Dr. Michal Markiewicz’s debut in ALMA MATER of the Jagiellonian University. The issue for the inauguration of the academic year includes a “light” summary of current problems with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms from the perspective of copyright law. Among other issues, the author addresses: 1) when copyright law can extend protection to “cooperation” between man and machine, 2) what is the scope of such protection, 3) who is liable for infringements related to the exploitation of AI-generated works, 4) how the law regulates the possibility of using works to train AI algorithms, 5) and whether creators should be compensated for the use of their works for AI purposes.Link to the e-issue: https://almamater.uj.edu.pl/documents/2910359/155690101/Alma_Mater_251/306dcabb-dadd-4b06-9575-466c5def319d