Markiewicz & Sroczynski’s substantive patronage of conference on energy market

On December 10, 2012 a conference was held at the University of Economics in Katowice, under the substantive patronage of our law firm. The theme of the conference, co-organized by the University of Economics in Katowice, Tauron and the Association of Energy Trading (TOE), were specific consumer issues related to functioning of the energy market. Presentations at the conference were given by representatives of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, the Energy Regulatory Office, Consumer Ombudsman in Cracow, researchers from the University of Economics in Katowice and managers of Tauron Sprzedaż GZE. Jaroslaw Sroczynski participated in a panel concerning the liberalization of energy market and related practices, presenting a lecture entitled “Commitment decisions of the OCCP and consumer welfare”.
Mr. Sroczynski was also interviewed during the conference by the Silesia Television, see link:,stop_naciagaczom_tauron_pomaga_oszukanym_klientom.html