A book by Janusz Barta and Ryszard Markiewicz entitled ‘Copyright and Related Rights’ has been published by Wolters Kluwer Polska. ‘Copyright and Related Rights. Introduction’. We bring it to your attention for three reasons. To quote after the author: ‘First, this is the first (our) 10th edition. Secondly, the book uses an innovative solution: new content is marked with lines in the margin. This will make it possible to compare it with the previous edition (2021), as well as to limit the reading to new copyright issues only. It seems to me that I have never seen this idea in another publication. Thirdly, the recently transposed into Polish law two EU Directives 2019/789 and 2019/790, the new Polish court and CJEU jurisprudence, and the currently debated problems of copyright law, in particular the author-legal problems of artificial intelligence and remuneration for creators, are included extensively. The latter issue is covered extensively in a separate chapter. It will probably be the subject of criticism because of the proposed interpretations of the amended copyright law and the suggested limitation of the scope of the right to post-contractual remuneration – so far nowhere in the world as broadly covered as in Poland (I wondered whether to title this chapter: Is there a pilot flying with us?”).